The Summit & Spirit Philosophy



Our personal vision for coaching is centered on finding PEACE. Often times, clients will start the coaching journey at point A and seek to find their way to point B

Point A is frequently a place of disconnection or being out of alignment to some degree (either personally or professionally). There is often an urge or desire to be of service and apply one’s unique talents or gifts, but something is out of balance that prevents one from doing this each and every day with ease. One might have an idea of where they want to go, and have the motivation, but need personal growth and transformation to be able to build a road to get there and/or want to partner to make the climb to the top of the mountain easier and more enjoyable

Point B is a state of feeling “friction free” where one is moving through life with ease and confidence, embracing who they are, feeling a sense of peace in how they communicate, make decisions, while feeling completely aligned with their values and especially how those values are reflected throughout their day in their environment and actions



When a client gets to point B, they have summited the mountain and won! Their spirit is free, with a generous love and gratitude for the world and their life. There is an ultimate feeling of freedom, where they have wrestled away any negative biases or limited beliefs that would keep them from expressing their full talents

In order to achieve this breakthrough, 4 Elements are interspersed throughout the coaching journey:

  • Motivation & Power

    Aligning with one’s true self is exciting and helps one power forward naturally, while providing the confidence and motivation to push through fear and the unknown! Having a coach as an accountability partner re-ignites one’s own personal power for change and advocacy.

  • Connection

    Connection to individuals that support, mentor, and provide physical, emotional, and spiritual nourishment. Seeking out wisdom from those with answers prior to making major decisions. Staying connected for overall well-being

  • Balance

    Attending to the most important parts of one’s life in a balanced way! Learning to expel the least amount of energy to less important values, while conserving energy for what is most important. Balance allows one to learn to be more efficient with a limited energy supply while knowing when to rejuvenate one’s energy levels to maintain an equilibrium 

  • Peace

    A sense that you are here for a reason, honoring your true self, and are where you want to be now and in the future.  Knowing that you’ve done everything you can within your control to achieve your desired outcome

Although this philosophy is applicable to physicians in all phases of their career, the ideal client might be an early or mid-career physician that has been considered to have special talents, gifts, and potential. This career phase is ripe with possibility, personal discovery, growth, and accomplishment.

Get started with Summit & Spirit, today.